Not a coherent series, simply a collection of images worth retaining. Some are from abandoned projects, some are simply what remains from projects completed but imperfectly archived.

People Looking at People in Antonioni's 'La Notte' (2014) digital photomontage

Lenin (2013) digital photomontage

Eye and Mind (detail) (2000) mixed media on board

Untitled (detail) (2000) oil on board

Doll (1998) gouache on paper. 21 x 30cm

Doll (1998) pastel on toned paper

Doll (1998) pastel on toned paper

Natural History (1997) oil on canvas

Untitled (1992) collage and mixed media on cardboard

The Great War (1990) collage and mixed media on found timber and box frameu

Kellie Santin (1989) silver gelatin print

Ma (1989) silver gelatin print