This collection of photographs reflect different aspects of being a commuter on the fringes of a city. Nothing unites people in these places as much as the experience of sitting in a car, watching the road. This work represents different responses to this environment and its visual potential.
One group of photographs represent the tortured forms left behind on the sides of highways after truck tyres have disintegrated. As silhouettes, they reveal their hidden natures as figures or fragments of calligraphy in an alien language. Some of these are digital photographs, others are photograms made in the darkroom from the objects themselves, without a camera.
A second group are made from marks construction crews leave behind while building a road. Their meaning is opaque to all except the initiated readers of the specialised code.

Road Works 5673 (2017-20)

Road Works 5687 (2017)

Road Works 5682 (2017)

Road Works 5684 (2017)

Road Works 8360 (2016)

Road Works 8367 (2016)

Road Works 8361 (2016)

Road Works 8351 (2016)

Road Works 8352 (2016)

Road Works 0050 (2015)

Road Works 0054 (2015)

Road Works x 4 (2016) digital photomontage from photograms

Typology: Roadmaker's Marks III (2012)

Typology: Roadmaker's Marks II (2012)

Typology: Roadmaker's Marks I (2012)